Thursday, March 30, 2006

finding discipline?

I am beginning to write a paper on spanking children? when is it necessary? is it necessary at all? why should parents spank? why shouldn't they spank? what are alternatives? what is your personal experience? how has either way affected you now?

the old testament says "spare the rod, spare the child" , but Jesus in the new testament preaches the message, "let him who has not sinned throw the first stone," and "in order to enter the kingdom of heaven, you must be like a child."

where do you stand? what do you think are the negative and positive affects of spanking or alternative practice, such as positive reinforcement?


Blogger Jack and Alex Manning said...

Hi! This is actually Jack Manning's mama, Peryl, and I came to your blog via a circuitous route (Cris Ramsdale to Lucas Ramsdale to Sylas Leon to his papa to you). I was just browsing, but I feel very strongly on this issue. I believe that corporal punishment is never justified. It is counter-productive and deeply hypocritical to try and teach our kids that violence is wrong, and yet act in a way that says it is okay for a larger person to physically punish a smaller person. The physical lesson will be far more permanent that the words we speak. That said, however, my child is only 7 months old, and I have yet to face the pain and confusion of having to discipline him, and I really try (though don't always succeed) to not judge others' parenting choices.

Thanks for listening! And visit our blog any time.

9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe corporal punishment should be against the law or heavily regulated. Regulations I would suggest would be only on the bottom, only with your hand, and only through clothes. My mom used to spank my bare penis with a flyswatter and I can still remember the stinging. No child should have to go through this.

10:08 PM  

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