Tuesday, February 28, 2006

gardening wild...

I just finished watching the movie "The Constant Gardener" with my wife. And I am quite struck by how ignorant I am of many tragedies in Africa, and in the rest of the world. when the movie ended, i jumped on google and cnn to see if any part of the movie was true, and i found that though the part about the medicine killing people may not have been true, there is definitely much genocide between civil wars and all in all just social injustice and wide spread poverty and disease and i am just so overwhelmed with the fact that i live where i do like i do. i mean of course i know that i have so much and america is so rich and extravagant, and i know that there is poverty everywhere. but, i forget so easily that there is such a huggge gap and that though i think i am poor sometimes compared to others, i am so filthy stinking rich compared to probably 99% of the rest of the world. and i don't feel grateful, i feel sick, really sick. so what do I do. what do we do? how do we begin to handle our american condition in comparison to the African condition, and to the rest of the world? Do we just enjoy our life and say thank you? Do we go convert them all to christianity? Do we convert them to westernization? Do we sell everything we have and give them all our money? Or do we try to save one at a time? Or can we or do we have any power or ability to do something much larger? I just find myself very sick at the fact that i'm not doing much right now...and that really none of us are doing jack shit...and i feel so sick...what do we do?
go to http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/africa/archive/ scroll to the bottom and read